Liposarcomatous differentiation in a Mixed Epithelial Stromal Tumour of the seminal vesicle.


Steven TAN1, Susha VARGHESE2.


1Department of Laboratory Services, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam

2Department of Cellular Pathology, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom



Primary seminal vesicle neoplasms are uncommon, with adenocarcinoma being the most frequent subset reported. Mixed epithelial stromal tumours (MEST) of the seminal vesicle are rare biphasic neoplasms, with neoplastic epithelial and stromal components. We report the case of a 73 year old, asymptomatic gentleman whose tumour was discovered incidentally. He underwent a surgical resection of the seminal vesicles which contained a mixed epithelial stromal tumour, with an atypical stromal component including a distinct liposarcomatous component, which we believe to be the first such reported case.


Keywords: Seminal vesicles, Mixed epithelial stromal tumours, MEST, Phyllodes tumour, Cystosarcoma phyllodes, Pathology.


Corresponding author: Dr Steven Tan, Department of Laboratory Services, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam

Telephone: +673-8920339; Email:

Brunei Int Med J.2024;20:118-121