Tonic pupil following surgical removal of an orbital cavernous haemangioma


Nayan JOSHI, Mohan RAMALINGAM, Jayasree Sankunni NAIR

Department of Ophthalmology, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam



Orbital trauma and surgery are recognised aetiological factors of tonic pupil. Tonic or Adie’s pupil is an efferent pupil defect in which light reactions to one or more segments of the iris sphincter are lost due to the postganglionic parasympathetic nerves damage from ciliary ganglion. There is loss of part or all of the light reflex and decrease in accommodative functions at near. We report a case of tonic pupil in a 42-year-old lady after a successful surgical removal of an orbital cavernous haemangioma.


Keywords: Adie’s pupil, cavernous haemangioma, Holmes-Adie’s syndrome, tonic pupil


Brunei Int Med J. 2010;6(1):65-68